MALA is a revolutionary meme coin that injects spirit into the mind and soul of the fellow americans amidst the serious and chaotic mess created by none other than kamala harris.

Inspired by the playful and clownish handling of the presidential elections by her as a candidate, MALA aims to bring a smile to everyone's face while also providing real value to its holders. Join us on this journey to Make America Laugh Again!

A portion of MALA's profits will be donated to various charities focused on mental health and well-being of our fellow americans affected by this chaos😂😂😂

Our Roadmap



Launch and Community Building

Launch MALA token on major exchanges

Initial airdrop and community events

Establish social media presence and forums

Growth and Expansion

Strategic partnerships with influencers and brands

Expand community initiatives and rewards

Introduce MALA merchandise and NFTs


Regular donations to mental health charities

Host events and campaigns

Expand marketing fund and initiatives



Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 MALA
Taxes : 0/0

Burnt & Renounced

Our tokenomics ensure that MALA is accessible, rewarding, and impactful.

CA - 0x3D8cD8E077B9920977a7aF42e4FCD0d0A371e947